середа, 7 лютого 2018 р.

         According to Viktoriia Ivanishcheva, the British Council project manager, University of Warwick and IATEFL Research SIG will be jointly hosting a webinar and panel discussion on Thursday this week titled ‘Video in English language teacher education’.
8th February 14.00 – 16.30 (GMT)
Click here to join on the day:
There is no need to pre-register. You will need Adobe Connect.
Webinar Presenters:
Russell Stannard (teachertrainingvideos.com) ‘Technologies’ impact on teacher training’
Julia Huettner (University of Vienna) “This is messy”: using video as a springboard for teacher reflection’
Thom Kiddle (Director at NILE, UK) ‘Using Video for Asynchronous Multimodal Discussion and Sharing Opportunities Online’.

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